Friday, January 1, 2010

Euros and Natives!

My class is in its explorer unit, and I spend part of today grading their homework. The assignment asked questions about a lesson we did in class, and the kids were encouraged to use their notes to answer the questions. In our explorer unit, a key concept is the Columbian Exchange (Columbian, as in Columbus and not Columbia, the country). The Columbian Exchange is the transfer of ideas and goods between the Native Americans and the Europeans during this time period (for those who need a quick refresher). In the homework, the question was: describe the Columbian Exchange with supporting details. One student wrote:

"The Columbian Exchange is when the Natives and the Euros had this, well, trade thing going on. The Euros gave the Natives a variety of things. Some were good and some were bad. The Natives did the same for the Euros."

Yikes! I cannot get over his use of "Euros" and "Natives (not to mention the fact that he didn't provide any detail)." There is, for sure, "see me" written on his paper. We need to discuss proper ways to refer to groups of people.

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