Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Group work with Clay

At my school, the grade does the cooperative group project involving the systems of the body. The children make models and posters to explain a system of the human body. Two girls in my class were working together. One girl is very creative, and she thinking outside the box. She is a very good creative writer and doesn't directly state very much. The other girl organized, likes to get things done, and can frankly, be a little bossy. I listened to them trying to navigate how they were going to include everything in their poster. The creative girl, Michelle, got so made at the organized girl, Allison, that I started to visually see it in her face. I wanted to see how they were going to handle it. Allison got more and more pushy and authoritative about not doing Michelle's idea. Michelle became very silent and just started squeezing the modeling clay so it would gush through her fingers. Allison said something like, "now we have a plan and we will finish this project soon." Michelle, with tears in her eyes and holding up a ball of clay, said, "Allison, see this ball of clay. If this were your head, I would just squeeze your brains out until you'd stop talking." As the words came out of her mouth, she ripped the ball in two right in front of Allison's face. So I stepped in:

Me: Allison, do you understand what Michelle is trying to say to you?
Allison: ( looking confused) Not really
Me: She sounds angry. Michelle, are you angry at Allison?
Michelle: (now crying) yes, she doesn't like any of my ideas.
Allison: It's not that I don't like any of your ideas. It's that were not doing them.
Me: (to Allison) Why can't you include some of her ideas?
Allison: I guess we can
Me: The point of this project is to work together to fulfill your task. I want you to try to include parts of both of your ideas...understood?

I love the way Michelle ripped the ball of clay in Allison's face. Even funnier to me, Allison totally didn't get that Michelle was even mad. Kids learn so much more in school than just the academic least I hope!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Fifth grade is a funny age because some girls are ready for make-up and dating and other are still playing with dolls. The ones who still do play with dolls start to hide it because it clearly is not the "cool" thing to do. Anyway, this girl in my class did a fabulous presentation. I was really wow-ed by her. Afterward, we were talking as I was giving her her grade and we had this interaction:

Me: Wow! You really did a fabulous job! You must have really worked hard on this.
Girl: Yeah, I did!
Me: What did you do to prepare?
Girl: Well, I set up my dolls in my room just like our classroom. Then, I pretended I was you and practiced my presentation.
Me: Sounds like a great idea. Well, it certainly paid off! I want to share with the class how your practice really paid off.
Girl: umm, well, that's okay but can you leave the part out about the dolls?
Me: Sure, we can just keep that between us..
Girl: Thanks! What a relief!

Friday, May 13, 2011


This has been an intensely busy two weeks, and I fear the next few weeks will be just the same. We took two big trips with the grade. One trip was to Philadelphia and the other trip was an overnight to Washington, DC. I confess I was nervous about the overnight because, those who know me know, my sleep is very important to me. Anyway, one thing that I do like about these longer trips is that you do see different sides to the kids when they are so far removed from the classroom setting. Kids, who I doubted would be able to handle the trip, rose to the occasion beautifully.

Just as I was settling comfortably into bed my hotel phone rang.

Desk operator:“Ms. F, one of the room with students is requesting to speak with you.”

Me: Sure, put them through.

Me: Hello, this is Ms. F.

Boy 1: Ms. F, it’s Peter. We’re really scared in this room.

Me: Really, why?

Peter: Well, this place is haunted.

Me: what makes you think that?

Peter: Our lights were flickering, the clock in our room is wrong and we hear other noises.

Me: Sweetheart, we are very safe here.

Peter: Ms. F, do you believe in ghosts?

Me: No

Peter: DON’T SAY THAT! Then, they will come for you. Can you just come here?

Me: Okay, I’m coming

I got to the room only to find all four boys huddled in one bed. I eventually calmed them down enough so that they’d all get in bed. Then I left and went to bed. I heard they kept another chaperone up for another 2 hours. I think the sleeping set up for these kids was a little beyond them.

Overall thought, it was a great trip~!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


On Mondays, I tutor this little girl that I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been working with her for three years now. I’ve really come to know her parents over the years between her special needs, lots of meetings at her school and even some discipline and behavioral issues. We’ve been through a lot with this girl, Nina, and we’ve built a level of trust and teamwork that’s so helpful. I showed up to this girl’s house, and remarkably, I showed up before her bus came. When her mom came to the door, she was having trouble breathing and shocked me with, “I’m so sorry to do this to you, but I need you to drive me to the hospital. I have terrible asthma, and I know this is bad. My husband will meet us there as soon as he can.” So, as I think anyone would, I agreed to drive her and we started walking towards the car.

Sure enough, Nina’s bus came and she bolted off the bus as if she was trapped in there for years. She saw me and immediately launched into, “Lisa! I have so much homework, and it’s hard.” I told her that we’d work on it, but that her mom wasn’t feeling well and we needed to get in my car immediately and drive to the hospital.

This is the part that totally knocked me off my feet. Nina proceeded to only focus on herself in the midst of an emergency with her mom. She started with, “Can I get a snack first?” I told her no, but we’d get one at the hospital. I rushed her to the car, reminded her to buckle up and we were off. Throughout the whole car ride (about 10 minutes), Nina could not stop talking about her snack, her poor mom was wheezing and coughing, and I was putting all my effort into getting to the hospital quickly and safely. Behind me I hear:

Nina: Lisa, what kind of snacks do hospitals have?

Me: They have a bunch of things, and you’ll choose when you get there (aka: don’t know be quiet)

Nina: Lisa, do they have lemonade? I think I want lemonade.

Me: I’m not sure, but we’ll go look. We just have to get there (aka: I don’t know, stop asking me questions)

Nina: Lisa….

Me: Yes

Nina: ummm, ummm actually nevermind

(thank gd!)

30 seconds later

Nina: Lisa, I remember now. Am I allowed to have chips?....Liiisssaaa?, Liiiiisssa?

Me: (trying to get driving directions from the wheezing mom; I finally said in a stern voice) Nina, I need you to listen very carefully to me. My main job right now is getting Mommy to the hospital. I promise I’ll get you a snack, but I need quiet so I can hear how to get where we need go. Do you understand?

Nina: Yeah

We get to the hospital (which isn’t close by, by the way), and I pull into the circle. Mom starts walking in, and I go park the car with Nina. As we are walking into the hospital, I said, “Nin, do you understand why I needed quiet?

Nina: (with a smile) yeah, I get it now.

Me: Do you want to get a snack now?

Nina: Nah, I’m not hungry anymore


My lines

So today a student finally caught me at one of my lines. I don’t know exactly how I started saying this in class, but whenever I’m going easy on the kids about something I find myself saying, “See, I’m not as mean as I look…” Most often the kids laugh, we have a little 5th grade style banter about it, and we move on. Today, there were two questions on a math test that I was giving them, but I realized (only AFTER they were taking it that it may not be a fair question). So, I announced that the kids can “X” out those 2 questions, and we’d talk about them afterward. Just to remind them that I was doing something nice for them ;), I finished off my announcement with: “See, I’m not as mean as I look…” Without skipping a beat and with a playful tone to his voice, a little boy said, “we’ll thank gd for that! Who knows where you’d be?” I have to say I loved every second of that. This boy came into my class so timid and shy. Now, he’s joking around with me! The growth of children over the course of the year never stops amazing me.