Sunday, January 31, 2010

Naked People

I forgot to post this one, and it made me laugh when I was randomly retelling the story yesterday. Here goes:

I tell the kids that if they are having trouble and want extra help to try to get to school a little early. This way, they can come right to the classroom and I can help them before other kids get there. This little boy told me that he was going to come in early the next day, because he was still confused about math. So he walks in and tells me this:

Boy: Ms. F, I would have gotten here sooner but now my brother and I are punished.
Me: That's okay, sit down and take out what you want help with
Boy: I'm still really annoyed about being punished first thing this morning
Me: What happened?
Boy: It's really my brother's fault anyway. You see, I couldn't sleep last night and I saw he was up so I went into his room even though I was supposed to be in my bed.
Me: Is that why you were punished?
Boy: No, my brother showed me that there were naked people on the internet. I didn't even know there were naked people on the internet. Did you know there were naked people on the internet, Ms. F?
Me: Nope (I prefer to play dumb in these situations. Every teacher has their own strategy.)
Boy: My parents heard us, came in the room, and now they're really mad, but I think they are more mad at my brother.

I eventually got him focused on his work, but haha. Oh boys!

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