Friday, May 7, 2010

All You Can Eat & Mother's Day

It is a crazy time of year! I feel like I say that a lot, but I really mean it this time ;). There is just so much going on at school. Thus, I'm more tired and have less energy to sit and type. Here are some highlights of the week:

We took the kids on the dreaded Philadelphia trip. I avoided a few fiascos before the trip by grouping my unusual group of kids appropriately. I also didn't let another colleague get away with trying to give me a couple of troubled children that aren't my own. Poor planning or vindictive behavior on her part, you decide!

Anyway, on the trip, we take the kids to an all you can eat dining place. As we are walking in, one of my boys and I had this interaction:

Boy: Ms. F, I don't want to go in.
Me: Why not?
Boy: Because I don't know how much I can eat.... I don't want them to get mad at me if I can't finish.
Me: What do you mean?
Boy: Well, you said it is all you can it, and I don't know what to tell them about what I CAN eat.
Me: Sweetheart, do you know what 'all you can eat means?'
Boy: I think so...
Me: So you know that you can take whatever you want and eat however much you want?
Boy: Really?
Me: Yup
Boy: See ya!

I was surprised he took "all you can eat" so literally.

So on to Mother's Day: I really try to have the kids acknowledge aspects of people or events they appreciate. It has been easier with some than others. After getting back so late from our Philadelphia trip (9:15...I got home at 10:30), we made our Mother's Day cards as a mellow start to our next day. The requirements were to be specific in your complements. Here are some of my favorite lines:

1) "I love you when you appreciate me for all of my amazing qualities. You really know just how great I really am." Can we say obnoxious?!

2) "Thank you for always smelling great (that's more than I can say about Dad)." Poor Dad, getting knocked down while Mom is being built up.

3) "Mom, my favorite thing about you is your food." I am convinced now that this kid only thinks about food.

4) "Dear Mom, I'm sorry for all the times I've been rotten." This was just cute to me.

5) "No one vacuums the house the way you do." That's some talented vacuuming.

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